
Why do they cover the bridges? Anyone know?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mount Monadnock (I'm pretty sure that's the correct spelling)

I just read on my friend Kerri's blog how she and her friends left her house at 11 p.m. and hiked Mt. Timpanogos.  They started the 9-mile trail at 12 and arrived to the saddle at 3 a.m.  Three hours - meaning about 3 miles an hour.  I, on the other hand, hiked one of the 3 most hiked mountains in the world (according to my friend Emily) yesterday.  It was 2.3 miles (or something), and it took us over 2 hours.  I will justify myself a little by saying that it is 2 miles of literally straight up the mountain - if it were in Utah, with the blessed switchbacks that those smart Utah hikers have created, it would probably be more like 4-5 miles - but it still took us a great deal longer.  But, like Timp, it's a heck of a view from the top.  It was a bit hazy yesterday, but from the top you can see for miles and miles in all directions - 360 degrees.  And again like Timp, it's all just rock at the top - but the rock is much more rounded, and when you reach the tree line and see the summit ahead, it looks like a little like an ant hill - so many people sitting and enjoying the view, or scurrying up or down, or just all over.  A great experience.  Here are some of the pics on Picasa:

I got to experience another fun adventure this week - the day before the great hike which I just elaborated.  Kayaking!  On the Charles River.  That river is not a clean and appealing up close as it appears from the road as I drive past.  But it made for some beautiful scenery as we made our way down the river (Ashlee and I).  It was a lovely evening.  If you'd like to check out the pics, here's the Picasa album:

Last, but not least, this week I started school.  It's going to be a great semester, but a very busy one.  Ha!  I say that like it's something new!  But this is truly going to tax my reserves - in addition to the normal stuff (and yes, I ended taking 4 classes again instead of 3 - I can't help myself!  There's so much I want to learn all the time!), I'll be making applications for PhD programs.  And they're almost all due before or shortly after Christmas break.  And then....just waiting.

I guess that's about all there is to say.  Lehitrahot!

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