
Why do they cover the bridges? Anyone know?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ah, the life

Camping in the Wind River Mountains

And this, my friends (Christy), is why it takes me so gosh dang long to get on here and write a blog! No, not the beautiful mountain, but the effort in getting it here for you to enjoy! Almost every time I do, I get distracted trying to update it, change some of the pictures, etc. And then, two hours later, I haven't even accomplished what I set out to do, with nothing to show for the time! I detest technology! It sucks my life away. BLAHHH!

(My hike up Mt. Monadnock with Bryan and Estiven)

But, let me cease my grumbling and give you a little run-down on my life post-nanny. The PhD life, as it turns out, is the life for me. Whenever I tell that to someone, they chuckle cynically and tell me to wait until it comes time for my dissertation. Yes, I suppose I will not be singing such a blissful tune then, but I prefer to live in the moment at
this moment. I have my own little cubicle space, with a desk and computer, free access to a printer/copier (no limits or supervision - but don't worry, I think we all respect that trust and use is appropriately), as well as a supply closet with office and study supplies free to my perusal. My little office spaceis on the third floor of a building almost at the top of the "Brandeis Hill" that I have so oft bemoaned, and from the large, expansive window, I can see much of the campus, and a greatmany trees. You all know how I love trees. I have so much more time to study (although, this may or may not change - I'll explain), as well as attend extra lectures or classes I want/need to attend. I can't tell you the sheer joy of being able to registe
r for the research skills class, look at my schedule, and know that I can, indeed, go with no conflicting work! I think I am also reveling in the hope that, since I applied for a pass early, I will be able topark in a lot closer to my building, and not have to hoof it all the way up the hill later this year.

But I think I have gotten just a little ahead of myself. I enjoyed one of the best visits to Utah/Wyoming I have had to date. This is partly because m
y visit was interspersed with lovely mountains and hiking, and partly because it was generally conflict-free. James has become much more pleasant since he has decided that he wants to - and to go on his mis-

(Our camping spot on the river - Dad reading in his cot. Also, James and his girlfriend Alex canoeing across the first Green River Lake)

sion. In fact, he is waiting for his call as you read this! Tyson has been a bit humbled by his recent difficulties (turns out he is not the salesman he thought he was, and has to live at home to get some debts paid off), and Cisco is pretty easy-going all the time. But my biggest success was in the preemptive chat I had with my dad beforeheading off to the Wind River Mountains to go camping. He is so tired - he has been working so much overtime. And he gets impatient when we beings of lesser intelligence don't do things when or how he thinks they should be done - and family vacations can be nightmarish when he gets grumpy, and then the rest of us follow. But he made a concerted effort, and we had a great time. I also got to see lots of friends and loved ones, and had wonderful, thought-provoking conversations. It was just the refresher I needed before jumping off into the sea of studies ahead.
(Hiking with Christy in Millcreek Canyon)

Dovie was happy to see me return. I wasn't sure if he would be - my landlady took care of him, and she sent me pictures periodically of him playing delightedly with her dog Ginger. But he spent several minutes trying to peel my face with his tongue, and then chasing me all over the yard. Since then, he has been a bit more clingy (crying when I leave him in the car at the store), and has taken to "sharing" my bed. We play a nightly game of "King of the Bed", and so far I am undefeated. But he is a very good, if restless, dog. And I don't know where on earth he got those ears!
(No text required here)

I should tell you that the administrator of the Schusterman Center (the center at Brandeis dedicated to Israel Studies) just asked me to work for them part time this semester (5-10 hrs/week). This could be a very big blessing - as long as I can keep up with my studies. I said yes, and was received with much warmth and enthusiasm from the staff. They already know me, and just need a little help with data entry, so it should be good. And I do it whenever I have time, so that's also a positive. Maybe I can get a jump on those student loans, eh? If you want to check out my little bio at the Schusterman Center site (as a student, not worker), here's the link.

That's all I have to report.

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a lot to report. That is exciting that James is planning on going on a mission. Good for him. I'm glad you had such a nice trip and that things are working out so well for you so far with your Doctorate. Your dog is a cutie, and sounds like so much fun to return home to. It is always hard leaving pets, I'm so glad your landlady was able to watch him. Good Luck this year!
