
Why do they cover the bridges? Anyone know?

Friday, May 13, 2011

May...rain, flowers, and finals

You know the song on Bambi (I think) that goes "Drip, drip drop, little April showers..."? It doesn't really mean much in Utah. And in Massachusetts April was more significant for the final melting of the snow, and random additional snow storms, than for rain. So, I'm thinking, Bambi did not live in the West, nor on the East Coast. That's my conclusion.

But May. May is the rainy time. Interspersed with some warm(er) weather - and LOADED with flowers! Truly! I cannot describe to you the beauty of my street with trees full of fluffy, white flowers. And the magnolia trees! What can I say? I'm enthralled!

I visited Vermont with my friend Ruth a few weeks ago (I know, just before finals!), and it was still mostly covered in snow. But surely that won't last forever. I'm living there this summer, and told it is a lovely summer spot. I'm looking forward to it - and riding the rolling hills with my new bike. Yep, that's right, I'm buying a (used) bike tomorrow! Can't wait!

But back to present reality. Sitting next to my left arm, on the desk here, is a pile about 2 inches thick of articles that I have to read in the next couple of days. Articles I should have read weeks ago. Articles for a paper that was due today, but for which I got an extension until next Friday. That means I'll be working on it a little bit at home - which I'm not super crazy about, but it's better than not turning it in! I'm struggling getting through all of them because, well, I'm tired! That's all there is to it! I just turned in a paper on Monday, took a final (and wrote a paper for the final) on Wednesday, and have just about spent all my mental energy. I'm digging deep here. But I've been so incredibly blessed. I don't know why. I don't deserve it. I know we all have the insider view of our own weaknesses, but let me assure you, I double don't deserve it. But I'm grateful. And humbled. I got an A from my big paper last week (a 36-pager! Never wrote so much in my life!), and my professor, head of the department, said it was "terrific". I feel really lucky.

That one was on immigration in Israel. The paper I wrote for my History of Israel final was discussing whether Israel can truly be a Jewish state, and a democracy. And today's project: the politics of archaeology in Israel - which is the most interesting to me. I'm going to make it my Master's thesis next year. It should be interesting. That's assuming, of course, I actually read the material and get to the writing part...

One of the blessings bestowed upon me recently is a patient, dedicated friend who goes running with me in the mornings - every other day. Her name is Ashlee. She and I also went on Sunday to see the lilacs at the Arboretum (just learned how to spell that word), and it was magnificent. So, as I conclude, I'd like to share with you with some lovely pictures of lilacs, and other beauty, to brighten your day, as they have mine. Lilacs, you should know, were my grandma Fuller's favorite flower, and, consequently, a favorite of my mother. I thought of them both as I wandered through lilac heaven Sunday (Mother's Day). Enjoy.


  1. What beautiful flowers. I bet it smelt heavenly. Good luck with your papers. I hated writing research papers, but it sounds like you are pretty good at it. Interesting topics for sure.

  2. Looks like a very pretty place. You are right, you always hear about Boston in the fall but never in the Spring. We are still waiting for it to warm up here in Idaho. Still raining like crazy and we are starting to drown in it. I am ready for summer and ready for this baby to come.
    Good luck on your papers and tests! I am cheering for you! Love ya!
