
Why do they cover the bridges? Anyone know?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I must have been quite a sight - plodding along with my jacket zipped up all the way, my hood pulled tight, but my soaking bangs flapping against my forehead, and water dripping down my nose, and my arms weighed down with about 6 very large and heavy grocery bags. Well, one of them was my tote, as I do try to avoid plastic bags as much as possible. I did bring an umbrella, don't you worry. I just couldn't hold it up, so I neatly packed it into one my bags. The walk from the grocery store is about 10-15 minutes (it took all of those 15 minutes, as I walked slow and steady). As I had spent much more than I had hoped to spend, I defiantly refused the taxi offers, and was sure I could make it on my own. And away I went in the rain.

What I must look like to the people around me! Drenched, dragging my bags along, and WHITE! It makes me chuckle a little. Two streets down from my street, as I paused for a moment to shift the bags on my hands (really to give my aching arms a break), a young man offered to help. I swallowed my pride and let him carry the tote - the heaviest bag. His name was Arthur, and we chatted as we walked. I was very grateful. And I made it. But I'm wondering about my wisdom in opting not to have a car.

School starts this week, and beginning tomorrow I have orientations, both for work and for life at Brandeis. I am excited and nervous. And a bit discouraged about the jobs on campus. Our opinions of what consitute a student job vary greatly. I have gotten two jobs - the two I most wanted, even - and they total 10 hours a week. TEN HOURS! I can't live on that - I can possibly pay rent. So, I'm looking at other possibilities. Life could get very interesting.

So, now I'm off to hand in my resume at Barnes and Noble. I do love books - it could be great! For all of you who are praying for rain, just know that it's coming down out here in Boston. Let it rain!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with finding a job that will help you make ends meet. I'm sorry about the rain. That was nice of Arthur to help you. At least you have good opportunities to talk to people.
