
Why do they cover the bridges? Anyone know?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Sky is Falling

There is a very real danger that an acorn might fall from the sky and knock me in the noggin! Really and truly! I have narrowly escaped dozens of falling acorns - sometimes I think the squirrels, who scamper around with impunity, and whom I have seen grabbing at the acorns, and even eating them, might be tossing them down. I haven't actually seen them throwing them, but they do seem to like some friendly banter, so I wouldn't put it past the little buggers.

The other danger is that I could roll my ankle on the thousands of acorns littering the ground everywhere I walk. So, I dutifully crush with my heel every acorn I step on, so it is not a danger to poor souls with weak ankles like myself.

All over-cautiousness aside, I'm really enjoying the squirrels (unlike native New Englanders, who complain incessantly about the little pests) and all the acorns. It still holds its novel charm for me. What I'm not enjoying is the apparently allergic rash that has developed in my armpits. Yes, my armpits. I apologize in advance if this offends anyone's sense of decorum, but I am going to describe what may be one of the most unanticipated trials I have ever faced. Who would ever have thought my trial would be in my armpits! Not me.

So, a couple of weeks ago I began noticing that my armpits itched a bit more regularly than normal (no, they don't usually itch a lot, but on occasion - don't we all try to inconspicuously scratch there on occasion?). I dismissed it as simply a reaction from my backpack strap rubbing, but I soon discovered that the strap wasn't even touching the part that was most irritated. I tried various things - let me assure you, it was good and red, and extremely itchy. I finally went to the doctor on Saturday, and he said it was an allergic reaction, although he also implied that it might be stress-related (stress? How could it be stress? It's not like I have taken on loads of student debt, am desperately poor and trying to be independent, stay up late hours studying languages I really don't understand yet. stress?). I think perhaps, after experimenting with drinking the local water, that I'm allergic to something in the water here. It has given me a wicked headache a couple of times.

He prescribed a cream that I have been rubbing on the pits day and night, and it seems to be working. I can't tell you how grateful I am to sit here at a computer, thinking about what I'm writing, instead of concentrating on not scratching. What a blessing! Now, if I can just get that darn insurance situation worked out...

So, that's the latest from Boston. October is going to be fabulous. Not only will I finish my 30 firsts (whale watching!), I get to see a few friends who are coming to visit. And I'm moving, so I will be in a safer location, with a better commute. If I can pass my quiz on cuneiform Akkadian today, I'd say things are looking pretty good. If you want to see what that looks like, go online and do a google search for Akkadian cuneiform. It's pretty interesting. One day, I'll be able to read it!


  1. Wow, Sorry about your rash, I hope that your stress level goes down soon. I'm sure Boston in October is going to be beautiful. You will have to post some pictures. Good Luck with finding a new home, etc.

  2. Sorry to hear about your rash. Weren't you the one that always got eaten by las pulgas too in Chile? I remember that. I am so sorry I was the companion that had to sit back and watch you itch like crazy.
    I am glad that you are getting into a safer house in a safer location. That is big! I hope that your stress levels will go down once your friends come to see you. I sure wish I could come and visit you in Boston. I have never been to Boston in the fall! :)
    I sure love ya! Hang in there. I admire your desire to be adventurous.
